Thursday, September 1, 2011

Students of the 21st Century

"A Vision of Students Today" by Michael Wesch was about the students of the 21st century and how they learn and what makes them not learn. Through this video we established that technology is the way to learn for 21st century students. After viewing this video, it made me think about many topics. First of all, I noticed that no one was talking the whole time, but it still made a huge impact and really expressed the main topic of over all saying that students learn better with technology.

Do we really use technology that much? Using technology for this era of children/teens comes easy to most. Watching this video, to me, was like a wake up call of how much technology is in our lives, how much we rely on technology today, and how its has made an impact on our lives. Before, we would wright letters to one another to communicate, but now we have cell phones to talk to close ones or text. Facebook is also a huge communication site that not only lets people chat with friends but also shows pictures of past events and status posts for a person's everyday thoughts or actions. I think what teachers are missing most about educating students is that students today, as 21st century learners, learn better with technology. It seems as though teachers teach students how to learn the way they did when they were our age, but they need to learn how to teach students with technology, after all students do spend most of their time on technology (like shown in the video). Another thing teachers are lacking today is how to make education relevant to the lives of students because when I was reading "U.S. Puts Values in Ditch" I don't believe we are putting values in ditch, but our values have changed over time and now it seems that most students wonder why they are learning this if they can never apply it to their own life. Is school really preparing us for the future? This is why technology should be the way of the 21st century learner.

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