Thursday, September 8, 2011

Community vs. National Institutions

David Warlick's We Don't Trust What We Can't See  is about the decline of a satisfactory level of confidence on the education system. He expressed and showed his thoughts using infographic on IGad and also created a graphic called Public Schools Compared to Others Institutions on We Don't Trust What We  Can't See. This shows America's community percentage of confidence vs. our national institutions percentage of confidence. David Warlick asks various questions addressing what is really going on outside the classroom; what provoked the unsteadiness of education; and how do we overall inspire confidence? He also says, "We need to sell learning to our students into the 21st century by showing it to them which leads to a previous blog about my opinions of Michael Wesch's A Vision of Students Today. This blog post got me thinking even more. This blog is attention grabbing to me because education is an important part of our lives because it directs us to where we will be in the future.
  What most surprised me after viewing this blog was the Public Schools Compared to Others Institutions. It shows that the military has 78% confidence from Americans following small businesses and the police at 64% and 56% and so on, but after watching A Vision of Students today it makes sense that public schools would only have 34% of our confidence and teens do have a higher chance of to go to jail/prison rather than graduate high school. To me, we don't have confidence now because school isn't relevant to us and it doesn't make sense to learn it if we may not even need it in the future. Another part of this is maybe lack of connection between teacher or parent. This kind of irritates me because I know we have a great military but what happens when very few pay attention to bullying, which causes people to do poorly in school, bad teaching skills, uncaring of both the students and the teacher, and what about stuff that goes on out of school that makes a student do poorly. Why do we not focuss on making school over all a better and welcoming place? When I came to AHS the teachers where inviting, willing, and cared; which really helped coming from a school of 450 students. Like David Warlick said; that we need to teach 21st century learners with 21st technology. I think how David Warlick shows our confidence in education fluctuating over years, is really explained well and gets teachers and students involved. What I also noticed was that the things that were more relevant to our lives had higher percentages like religion. This has changed my perspective greatly on school because I never really focussed about the outside world. I just thought this is the way we have to learn so this is how it should be, but the graph shows that what ever gave people confidence in the high points of this graph is what we should be doing now. So the question David Warlick is asking and I am for sure asking is how do we inspire confidence?

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