Thursday, October 20, 2011

Strive to be the Best

             "Remarks by the President in Back-to-School Speech" spoken by President Obama is about reaching your goals and trying your hardest. The point President Obama is trying to get across us students is to strive to be the best. It touches various topics such as trying to put a lot of effort into school and life, pusuing your future career, and getting involved and making a difference.
            When I read "Remarks by the President in Back-to-School Speech" spoken by President Obama, I liked his advice. It inspired students to perform 110% in life. When he told us about his personal experience of how he struggled in Ethics class. An idea I had while reading this is it’s weird how we remember how we struggled in our past. Some reasons for this may be that we look back at our mistakes to learn form them, to see how far we come with accomplishments, and to see what we’ve learned and what came out of that experience. President Obama also said that if he didn’t tune in to the Ethnic class, he would of missed out. When he said this, I interpretated it as we shouldn’t rush through life and not take any thing in or out of it. We should learn from our mistakes, ask questions, have curiosity, and make discoveries. A reoccurring theme I read throughout this speech was to strive to be your best. I have read many articles this year about how America should be number one and that we need to work harder, but again I ask, “Why do we always have to be the best?” When I was in middle school, I did this elective where we would serve ice cream to people in the nursery home next to our school. I was getting involved and helping people out. It doesn’t sound fun really, but I was! What i'm going to take away from that experience is that surving  people will kind of pay off like when people work really hard then it pays off by getting involved and seeing peoples reactions. When people get involved and do things that they like, it can very enjoyable.  

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