Monday, November 28, 2011

A New Answer

The article Steve Jobs - A Great Idea by David Warlick expressed the sadness of the death of Steve Jobs and how he affected the whole world. A quote that was stated by President Obama in the article said, "Steve was among the greatest of American innovators – brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it." In addition, David Warlick stated that people should change their prompts from "the right answer" to saying "that is a great idea!"
As I progress through this article, I notice how much of Steve Jobs' creations are used throughout the world. Jobs not only stuck up for his idea in making a computer as easy to operate as a telephone, but also he created many other devices to make life easier and more efficient. One idea led to other remarkable ideas. Steve Jobs had a creative imagination and following in his footsteps will be the next "Steve Jobs." Throughout history, many people help the U.S. progress and to think about what the future holds for all of us! We are always creating and reusing. For example, I heard of an experiment where there were monkeys in an enclosed area. If they climbed the tree to get a banana, they would get squirted with a water bottle. Sooner or later they would just give up and learn not to reach for the banana even though they wanted it so bad. This experiment can apply to our lives. We could possibly have a dream or an idea, but for some reason, others shoot down our ideas. They think that it's crazy and that it will never work. There will always be people ready to shoot you down, but that's what makes Steve Jobs a great role model because he kept true to his idea even though I'm sure people have doubted him.
I agree with President Obama's quote because it is hard to get out of the status quo because of what people might say about others. Once people are out of the flow, it enables people to reach for what they believe in. When David Warlick said that he thinks there should be more Apple equipment in our schools, this links back to David Warlick's blog about We Don't Trust What We Can't See. This is where American's puts its confidence and shows that we were paying more attention to our military and neglecting schools and their needs. I agree that we should shift our confidence and spend more time and money (rather then mostly on military) and improve our public education system. I like how David Warlick said that we should change our prompts from "that's the right answer" to "that is a great idea!" because many teachers today will make students feel dumb if the answer they wanted to hear was not given. This proves that nothing is impossible with hard work and determination. There will always be people ready to bring others down, but don't let them. Steve Jobs didn't let people bring him down and look what he achieved. Nothing is impossible.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Machine is Us

Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us by Michael Wesch is a video post on YouTube about anthropology. During this video, Michael Wesch expressed the use of technology and how many opportunities open up just because of it. It showed, not told us the definition of technology, which is defined as the application of tools and methods. The foremost purpose of this video is to present to the people that we are the web; we are the machine.
After observing the video Web 2.0 … The Machine is Us/ing Us by Michael Wesch, I had various thoughts. At the beginning of the video, there was a pencil and a paper. Someone was writing sentences down, but the point was that he couldn’t do what he could of done with technology, like linking websites, bloggers, or just about anything. Technology creates so many possibilities for us in the future and in the present. Right now, we can search for jobs, learn new content, the sky is the limit with technology. It also enables us to connect and collaborate, which can lead to products, solutions, and new information. If I thought about the time I was at the age of seven and think about the age I am now, there have been so many more ways to be capable of doing what you want or need to do, quickly and efficiently. Technology continues to progress and every year we discover and create something new. More and more people are learning the twenty-first century ways and educating others about it; as the video put it, “The machine is us.” Technology is almost like another language with all different symbols that mean different things like <p> as a structural element referring to “paragraph.” We are constantly creating, discovering, and learning. The web assists us to make all the knowledge easier to understand and enhances our knowledge worldwide.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Internet Explore No More?

              The blog post Internet Explorer's Share of Web Traffic Drops Below 50% by Zoe Fox on CNN. This blog explained that Internet Explore has lost 50% of its users because of the other browsers such as Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. It provides information on the percentages of the other browsers and how they are advansing beyond Mircosoft's browser.                
              When I read this blog, Internet Explorer's Share of Web Traffic Drops Below 50% by Zoe Fox on CNN; it was cool to see which internets are progressing while others aren't. I wasn't surprised that Firefox was the second best because it's fast, efficient, modern, and reliable. It states that Firefox accounts for 21.10% of traffic. Google Chrome is the next best, which is also fast and efficient. This browser accounts for 16.60%. Safari holds 62.17% of mobile traffic. Safari has their browser on the most popular technologies making it soar and gain about 6% each month. The point of this blog, to me; is that it is interesting to see which browsers people prefer. Even though this may seem small and people may think, "Oh it's just the internet." It is so much more. In a way it can show us what's coming next in the future and who will be our next role model for the advancing technology like how Steve Jobs is to all the apple lovers. He inspires us to create and discover new things. I remember when I used Internet Explore and we thought that this is such a cool tool, but the other browsers found away to advance and be faster, and more efficient. It shows us how much technology changes over time and how much we progress. Progress is always occurring. We will always be changing, reusing, and learning new things. I'm just excited to see what's next!